
Thursday 31 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Bahamut Card

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Bahamut Card

The bahamut card is come from of the demon faction with type ss rare and has six stars on the card. This bahamut card can be evolving in to the legend bahamut card that has seven stars in the card.

Rage of Bahamut Bahamut Card
Rage of Bahamut Bahamut Card

For the SS rare bahamut card you will be see the card have 4390 attack and 3420 defense with 30 power cost. But if you already evolve the card into the legend, the status will be improved to 7902 Attack and 6156 defense with the same of power cost.

The bahamut card using the catastrophe as special ability, but I am still don’t know what the effect skill on the demons alignment. Some people say the bahamut card skill can boost demon attack in battle.

Rage of Bahamut Bugs

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Bugs

Recently a news from the feedback mobage, in rage of bahamut game is not 100% save from the bugs. The report says everyone found bugs in some features like evolve, enhance, battle and even in drop rate.

Rage of Bahamut Bugs
Rage of Bahamut Bugs

For example; some people says can’t evolve or even enhance the human and demon cards, it is because when you press the evolve button, the system will be pop up no card in your deck, but the card already in deck.

The other rage of bahamut bugs come from the blue treasure drop rate, why that so hard to find a blue treasure in the quest. The mobage team should review for this problem.

The most recently report bugs like:
- Angel bunny bug
- Treasure bug
- Level up bug
- Enhance and Evolve bug

We know the mobage team doing hard work to fix the bugs, and collected more information from the player. Maybe in the next version release, Mobage already fix the bugs and make playing a game more fun.

Rage of Bahamut Buy Cards

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Buy Cards

The rage of bahamut buy cards system is help you to generate or obtain a new cards with easily, in addition you can also obtain the card from the battle, quest or participating in event.

Rage of Bahamut Buy Cards
Rage of Bahamut Buy Cards

How I can buy a card? You can buy a card by using friendship point that you get while playing a game or spend your money to buy some mobagecoin. If you have mobagecoin you can buy some rare card or unusual items, those items should be more powerful to supporting in the battle.

You can also get a free card once a day; just check your inbox recently after login. That will be helping you a bit, until you have enough money to buy the best card for the battle.

Rage of Bahamut Best Class

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Best Class

There is three different rage of bahamut class or race like Man, Gods and demons. Every class has different skill ability and supporting items to increase the status in battle.

Rage of Bahamut Best Class
Rage of Bahamut Best Class

So what is the best class in rage of bahamut game? Man, Gods or demons. Its all depends on you at playing the game. You need to collect the great card and combining with the other to get more powerful combination. If you lack of that you will be defeat in easy.

In another case, the Man race has a little advantage from the other class. For example there are two legends card of man class can be collected, but for Gods and demons class only have one legend card. So the man class should be powerful if can use all of legend card in the battle.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Tablet

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Blue Tablet

The blue tablet is a part of tablet medal treasure. You can get the tablet treasure from the quest line at chapter 18 until chapter 21. There is totally has 10 quest line you need to finish, and a chance to get the blue table.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Tablet
Rage of Bahamut Blue Tablet

The rage of bahamut blue tablet is very hard to obtain, you almost can’t get the items in the quest because the drop rate for blue tablet is very low. You need a big lucky to get the item.

Another way to get the blue tablet is by participating in the battle with treasure system. You can search the opponent with the blue tablet items and starting to fight.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Medal

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Blue Medal

The rage of bahamut Blue Medal is part of the medal set treasure. The blue medal is very hard to find, because it’s the random and have low of drop rate. You can find the medal treasure from the line quest at chapter 14 until chapter 17.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Medal
Rage of Bahamut Blue Medal

If you lucky you can get the blue medal in easy way, but some people get annoying and mad because they can get the best drop from the battle. To get the rage of bahamut blue medal treasure, you need be patient and repeating the quest.

For players who can’t get the blue medal even after trying hard do quest. They can use the battle system to get the items. In battle, you must fast selecting the medal and starting the battle, because many players waiting for that chance.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Blue Treasure Issue

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Blue Treasure Issue

The rage of bahamut blue treasure is one of the hardest parts to get the one. The blue treasure like blue ring, blur orb, blue key, blue tablet, blue scroll, blue medal and the others. The items is used everyone to completed a set of the treasure type to get the rare card reward.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Treasure Issue
Rage of Bahamut Blue Treasure Issue

Actually some people claim it is a random drop and very low drop rate for the rage of bahamut blue treasure, so you need to repeat and repeat again the quest until get the items. My friends on the game take a week to get the blue items with repeat the quest.

Mobage should to increase the blue treasure drop rate or give some advice where the location of the blue treasure is and how to get the blue treasure with the fast way. It will be help for the player to playing with more fun.

Rage of Bahamut Quick Battle Guide

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Quick Battle Guide

This is a Quick rage of bahamut battle guide for battling with the other player. To starting battle mode, you can click the battle button on the bottom in your home page.

Rage of Bahamut Quick Battle Guide
Rage of Bahamut Quick Battle Guide

You will be directly in to battle page. You can choose your opponent, by treasure possessed, from rivals or choose from similar level. For example if you choose base on opponent, you can click the button. Next you will be seeing all opponents in the screen. You can use the scroll to searching the opponent that suitable for you.

After you choose the opponent, you need to choose your deck for the battle. There is an option to choose your recommend deck for battle or you can use the deck that you built before. After completed the deck, you can began the battle.

In the result of the battle, if you win you will be getting the reward.

Rage of Bahamut Best Card

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Best Card

There is a lot of type of cards that you can obtained in the game from the quest, battle with the other player or by doing event. You will be getting the rare, s rare, ss rare or even the legend card.

Rage of Bahamut Best Card
Rage of Bahamut Best Card

What it rage of bahamut best card? It think the best card come from the four legend card, include; Zeus, Bombshell Cleopatra, Three Dog Demon Cerberus and Dragon Style Siegfried. Those card is very tough to beat, you will be lucky if you can get one of the legend card.

Anyway, the skill ability for the cards only can be active with a same alignment. Man faction is luckier than demon and gods faction, because the man faction have 2 legend cards that you can use in the battle.

Rage of Bahamut Cerberus

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Cerberus

The rage of bahamut Cerberus is one of the ss rare card from faction demon. The card obtain from keepers of the Easter egg with rank #4-10 for one card or rank #500, #1000, #2000, #5000 and #10000 for two card.

Rage of Bahamut Cerberus
Rage of Bahamut Cerberus

The Cerberus card has six stars supporting by 4290 attack and 4050 defense with 32 point of power cost. The Cerberus is using double flame as special ability that good for boosting attack and defends for demon alignment.

In another case, the rage of bahamut Cerberus is a normal card, so you can evolve the card into to max evolve with flow; Cerberus -> Cerberus+ -> Cerberus++ -> [Tricepticanus Magica] Cerberus. The max evolve of Cerberus will be get the seven star status.

Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

You must know if you want to play rage of bahamut, first you need to register to create an account and then starting to play the game. In second time and more, you will be automatically login into your account.

Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account
Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

In another case, if you want to create new account in rage of bahamut game with the same device. You need to logout the account and then register with a new one.

To logout your rage of bahamut account tries this steps;
- On rage of bahamut game, click the icon mobage in top left from your device window.
- You will be directly into your account. Next click on your name account to go to your profile.
- In your profile, click log out in bottom right from your windows. Now, you are already logout from mobage account.

After you logout, you can create a new account, or maybe multiple account for rage of bahamut game.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Phoenix

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Phoenix

The rage of bahamut Phoenix is one of the rare cards with three star. The card is obtained from quest line, but to get the reward, you must collect all the ring treasure (six of them).

Rage of Bahamut Phoenix
Rage of Bahamut Phoenix

The Phoenix is from Gods faction with 1240 attack and 1160 defense. The card also has flame of life as special ability and consumes 10 of power cost. In market price you can sell the card for 5,550 rupies.

In another case, the rage of bahamut Phoenix card is cannot be evolves. But this card is very powerful to boost the god’s faction defense.

Rage of Bahamut Key Treasure

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Key Treasure

The rage of bahamut key treasure have six different items include red key, blue key, green key, yellow key, purple key and Emerald key. You can obtain the key set from the quest in chapter 10 until chapter 13.

Rage of Bahamut Key Treasure
Rage of Bahamut Key Treasure

In chapter 10 you have chance to get 3 key treasure from quest; find the mysterious mage, chase the mage out of town and capture the magic. In the chapter 11 you can obtain the key from follow the mage's trail and fend off the mage's attack quest.

In chapter 12 the rage of bahamut key treasure from travel by sea to the island, discover the island and search for the mage's manor quest. And the last key treasures in chapter 13 obtain from defeat the apprentice mages and proceed into the manor quest.

All quest for the key treasures about 10 from chapter 10 to 13 and will be hard to find a set of the key. If you already complete the rage of bahamut key treasure, you will be get guivre rare card reward.

Rage of Bahamut Emulator

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Emulator

If you want to play rage of bahamut in the PC/computer you need an emulator device to running the application. There is some emulator like Bluestacks, Android SDK and youwave that you can use to open an application android in computer,

Rage of Bahamut Bluestacks Emulator
Rage of Bahamut Bluestacks Emulator

The bluestacks emulator is an application player that can run a thousand of android software. The program is running in windows Xp sp3 and windows 7. You can play the rage of bahamut with bluestacks emulator. But the speed is less than if you play in the android phone.

Rage of Bahamut Android SDK Emulator
Rage of Bahamut Android SDK Emulator

Another android emulator is Android SDK, the software include all version of the android device. You can choose and create the new release of the android to running the rage of bahamut in PC. If you want to play rage of bahamut for long time, this emulator is bad at speed or even gets some crash in middle of game.

Rage of Bahamut Youwave Emulator
Rage of Bahamut Youwave Emulator

For the youwave android emulator is not supporting for the rage of bahamut application, because the emulator is not supporting with the ARM features. May be someday they will be add the ARM into the emulator.

Rage of Bahamut Orb Treasure

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Orb Treasure

In the rage of bahamut Orb treasure set include red orb, blue orb, green orb, Yellow orb, purple orb and emerald orb. All of the orb treasure can you get from the quest from chapter six until chapter nine.

Rage of Bahamut Orb Treasure
Rage of Bahamut Orb Treasure

There is three quest for the orb treasure at chapter 6; Head for MT loca, defeat the attacking monsters and found off the monster counter attack. In chapter 7 you can find the treasure in proceed intowardyne forest and protect the queen quest.

In the chapter 8 you can obtain the rage of bahamut orb treasure from quest; travel to rivdell with the princess, protect the princess from attack and take the princess back to rivdell. Now in chapter 9 there are 2 quests to get the orb treasure in head for the monster hideout and defeat the monster Minions.

For the entire orb quest in the chapter 6 into chapter 9, you have 10 quest chances to get the set of the orb treasures. After you complete it all, you can get the reward for the Pegasus knight rare card.

Rage of Bahamut Ring Treasure

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Ring Treasure

The rage of bahamut ring treasure has six different items, Red ring, Blue Ring, Green Ring, Yellow Ring, Purple Ring and Emerald Ring. You can get that ring from the quest at Chapter 2 until Chapter 4.

Rage of Bahamut Ring Treasure
Rage of Bahamut Ring Treasure

In the chapter 2, the ring treasure can be obtained at quest; Gather Info in will village and Get info from bandits. In the chapter 3 it is from quest; Head for the manvkan ruins, Search inside Manvkan ruins and protect the manvkan treasure. In the chapter 4 from quest; head for the bandit hideout and infiltrate the hideout.

After you collect all of the rage of bahamut ring treasures you can obtain a reward the Phoenix rare card. So don’t miss all of the ring treasures in the chapter 2 - 4.

Rage of Bahamut Alluring Angel

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Alluring Angel

The rage of bahamut Alluring Angel card is one of the high rare cards from the Gods faction. The Alluring angel is not evolving card but the card is more powerful than another rare card.

Rage of Bahamut Alluring Angel
Rage of Bahamut Alluring Angel

The Alluring Angel card has 5 stars with 3340 attack and 3310 defense point and consumes 17 power points. You will be like to use this card into battle, because the alluring angle card has balance status that can be use for attacking or defend in same time.

In another case, the rage of bahamut Alluring angle is more powerful at attacking. You can see from the Heart Percer ability with the effect for Gods Attack will get big boost. So you have more chance to fast defeating the enemies.

Rage of Bahamut [Mad Dog] Cu Sith

Tags: Rage of Bahamut [Mad Dog] Cu Sith

The rage of bahamut [Mad Dog} Cu Sith is the fully evolve from the cut sith++ card. As you know the flow is Cut sith -> Cut sith+ -> Cut Sith++ -> [Mad Dog] Cu Sith.

Rage of Bahamut [Mad Dog] Cu Sith
Rage of Bahamut [Mad Dog] Cu Sith

For more information about rage of bahamut [Mad Dog] Cu Sith Card is come from the demon faction with 702 attack and 738 defense point. The mad dog cu sith have a high normal rarity card with 3 powers cost.

The best way to evolve the Cu sith card you need collect 8 cards, with the flow 8 -> 4 -> 2 -> [Mad Dog] Cu Sith. With that setting you can get the best status with attack and defense; 1750 and 1971 point.

Monday 28 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Treasure

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Treasure

You can say the rage of bahamut treasure is a reward for doing main quest or battle with the other player. Every treasure that you can obtain depends by your faction alignment.

Rage of Bahamut Treasure
Rage of Bahamut Treasure

In the rage of bahamut treasure, there are 6 different colors from 10 types of the treasures. The six of treasures is like; Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Purple and Emerald. For the ten type treasures like; Ring, Orb, Key, Medal, Tablet, Scroll, Map, Crystal, Necklace and crown.

If you already complete one type of the treasure that includes different color, for the reward you can get the rare card. As example you have a set Ring Treasures, include; red ring, Blue ring, green ring, yellow ring, purple ring and emerald ring. So for the reward you can obtain a phoenix rare card.

It is be better to collect all of rage of bahamut treasures from the main quest.

Rage of Bahamut Alignment

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Alignment

The rage of bahamut alignment is one of the system games that you must to know recently. The alignment will be working well depends on your card and combining with some rewards.

Rage of Bahamut Alignment
Rage of Bahamut Alignment

In another case, if you have a card and different with you alignment, you will not often to use the card skill in the battle, so if you want to fast in battle, you need combining the same alignment between you and card alignment.

Some people say the best rewards and tier cards from the event or referrals come from the Man faction. Maybe the rage of bahamut alignment change is needed to give another faction have a high quality reward.

Rage of Bahamut Archive Bonus

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Archive Bonus

The rage of bahamut archive bonus is the special attributes bonus that can be increasing your status like stamina, Attack or defense. You can get the archive bonus point from evolving cards or enhance the max card level.

Rage of Bahamut Archive Bonus
Rage of Bahamut Archive Bonus

Every max card level its depends from the card rarity type, like a normal card up to 20, High normal up to 30, rare up to 40, High rare up to 50, SR up to 60 and SSR up to 70. Because of that, the easy way to get the rage of bahamut archive bonus is come from the normal cards to max level.

You will see the stat recovery time under rage of bahamut archive bonus, and some of card need to reach 5 enhances cards like the level 40. That mean you need to enhance the card with the others until the maturity max.

Rage of Bahamut Zeus

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Zeus

The rage of bahamut Zeus card is one of the best legend cards with 7 stars and become unbeatable card. The Zeus card is ssr rare with limited edition and available only for some code referral.

Rage of Bahamut Zeus
Rage of Bahamut Zeus

The Zeus card come from the Gods faction with 37 power cost, 5200 attack power and 4900 defense power. For the special ability, the rage of bahamut Zeus card will be getting the better damage on foe man def or atk status. Some people say the card like the god of gods.

You must be lucky if got the rage of bahamut Zeus card, because you will be get more chance to winning in every battle mode, quest or even in event game.

Rage of Bahamut Archangel

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Archangel

The rage of bahamut archangel has four different variations like; Gods Archangel, Archangel+, Archangel++ and [Holy Light] Archangel. Each of cards has different attack and defends status, but some attributes like Power, skill and effect has a same status.

Rage of Bahamut Archangel
Rage of Bahamut Archangel

Archangel have 1540 attack and 1090 defend, Archangel+ have 1848 attack and 1308 defend, Arc angle++ have 2156 Attack and 1526 defend and Holy Light Archangel have 2771 attack and 1962 defend.

The rage of bahamut Archangel is rare and very useful card, so every player always searching those cards to use in battle. In some trade channel people will be trade archangel for 3-4 powders.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Angel Queen

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Angel Queen

You can’t get the rage of bahamut angel queen card from the package. The angel queen card can be obtained during promotion. In another case you can get the card from trading with other players.

Rage of Bahamut Angel Queen
Rage of Bahamut Angel Queen

The rage of bahamut angel queen card is from faction gods with 100 point attacks and defends point. This card is one of the rare card with 3 star and have 300 power cost.

In the game, rage of bahamut angel queen card is very useful to enhance your card. The angel queen card can significantly increase the card statistics. But its better to enhance your card after evolving and you will be getting the best stat for the card.

Rage of Bahmut The Roar of the Dragons Event

Tags: Rage of Bahmut The Roar of the Dragons Event

The next event in Rage of Bahamut game is The Roar of the Dragons. The event will be active from May 17, 2012 until May 27, 2012. The dragon will be attack with randomly with 10 of the quest.

Rage of Bahmut The Roar of the Dragons Event
Rage of Bahmut The Roar of the Dragons Event

To get the rewards in Rage of Bahamut the roar of the dragon’s event, at first time you must get 3 victories to receive the reward, next you need to get 7 victories and the last you will be get the rewards every 10 victories.

In the roar of the dragon event you have a chance to get the rare cards like; Ax Master (Man), Brunnhide (Gods), Fafner (Demons) and Sigfried (Man). Those cards have ATK and DEF between 2K until 4K.

Here some tips and trick to participate in rage of bahamut the roar of the dragon event;
- You need boosting more ATK than stamina, cause in this event you need to enough power to damage dragons.
- In another case if you don’t have enough of powers to defeat the dragon, you can call for help or order to finish the battle.
- ATK Power is very useful in this event, but you need spare some point to booster the stamina for more quests and get rewards from the ranking list.
- If you get the rewards, you can keep it in your inbox. You no need to use the items if you don’t want to use it now.

Rage of Bahamut Guide Holy Wars

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Guide Holy Wars

The Rage of Bahamut Holy Wars is one of the best events to get the Holy Wars Point. More point you get in the battle, there are more chance for you to get the rare items

Rage of Bahamut Guide Holy Wars
Rage of Bahamut Guide Holy Wars

If you get enough points of the holy wars, you can change it into some rare cards like; Skull Rider, Elaine, Master Gunner, Michael, Mythril Golemn and Raphaella. Those cards have 2000 until 4000 on ATK and DEF stat, the good cards for battle.

Here some Guide to doing the Rage of Bahamut Holy Wars Event;
- You need fast recover the ATK and DEF status with the Holy Powder, so you need save that items for event (you get the free items one each login per-day)
- You will be lose if you use the stamina point, at this case you need more ATK and Def point to fast defeat the enemies.
- This is a random fight selection, if you in the high level guild it’s more chance to get the winner.

That some guide and tips to help you get a chance winning the Holy Wars Event.

Rage of Bahamut Holy Powder

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Holy Powder

The rage of bahamut holy powder is used to recover atk power and def power. During or after doing quest, sometimes your atk and def power will be decrease to 0 so you can attack or even get a lot damage cause of 0 def. So you need Holy powder to fully recover the status.

Rage of Bahamut Holy Powder
Rage of Bahamut Holy Powder

Everyone always searching the rage of bahamut holy powder that use for fast leveling or doing the event game. Actually for save the consumption of those items, you should use the holy powder just for event.

You can get rage of bahamut holy powder from 100 Mobage Coins, end of area quest or trading with someone who have the items. If you lucky, you will be get the holy powder by trading with the rare card.

Rage of Bahamut Guide Leveling System

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Guide Leveling System

In rage of bahamut game, if you want to level up the character you need doing quest or battle with opponent to get some experience point. Every time you level up, you will be earn three points that you can use to increase the status.

Rage of Bahamut Guide Leveling System
Rage of Bahamut Guide Leveling System

The three point in rage of bahamut leveling system like; Stamina, ATK and Def. Stamina is used to add more frequency of battle, Atk is used to increase power damage on battle and def is used to decrease the damage against an attack from the enemies

For fast leveling you can use the point to stamina attribute, because more stamina that you get will be more battle and get the experience. You can focus on stamina point until level 30, after that you can add more point into atk or def attributes.

Saturday 26 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Chapter

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Chapter

Did you know how many rage of bahamut chapter that you can play? Some people playing just following the game chapter and without know how much chapter in the game.

Rage of Bahamut Chapter
Rage of Bahamut Chapter

As information, there are 33 chapters that you can play in rage of bahamut game. Every chapter has 5 quests and 5 rewards card for every character (man, gods, demons). Only for the chapter one that teach you how to playing a game with some basic instructions.

In another case the rage of bahamut chapter is the main quest of the game, but you can get another quest too from the event. In the event you will be get some rare items and cards. That can be helping you to solve the main quest.

Rage of Bahamut Google Play

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Google Play

The rages of bahamut Google play which the place to get the bahamut game. In the Google play you will be also find the latest update of the application and you will be seen description of the game.

Rage of Bahamut Google Play
Rage of Bahamut Google Play

If you have android device, you can connect rage of bahamut Google play from the Google market application. It’s very easy to install the application through the market. Only need login into your account and starting to download it.

In another case if you don’t like install rage of bahamut from Google play, you can also find the rage of bahamut apk to install it manual in your android device. For some people it’s very usefully ways, but it’s hard to find the latest update of apk file.

Friday 25 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Dominates

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Dominates

In the fifth week rage of bahamut dominates an android device game. Cause about that the game has release for another device like; iPhone, iPad and another iOS system.

Rage of Bahamut Dominates
Rage of Bahamut Dominates

With a lot of features, event and some rewards for the player that can make the player fun playing the game. So not wrong if the rage of bahamut dominates android game in the US or maybe will be in another country.

The rage of bahamut dominates fill from the record public sales Google information. One of the website that always follows the android game development is like the gamasutra; give the top ranking of rage of bahamut in the US.

Rage of Bahamut Top Grossing Android

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Top Grossing Android

The mobage as one of developer android games has a good card trading game rage of bahamut top grossing android device. The game is stand in first position of android games about fifth week, that’s amazing record!

Rage of Bahamut Top Grossing Android
Rage of Bahamut Top Grossing Android

The Rage of bahamut top grossing android game is record to by gamasutra website that discuss about all android and another game device. They record the chart every week from the Google public sales information.

Well that good, the rage of bahamut as top grossing android game because the game is fun with some event add-on with much of the features. You should try this game.

Thursday 24 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Gamasutra

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Gamasutra

The rage of bahamut gamasutra on this week is still in top of the best free android game application in the USA. The record of ranking comes from the sales information in the Google play.

Rage of Bahamut Gamasutra
Rage of Bahamut Gamasutra

The other free game that follows rage of bahamut gamasutra is like Zynga Poker in second place, Live Holdem Poker Pro in third place and other games from gameview, playtik and the others.

May be is still long time for rage of bahamut in the first position on gamasutra record. In another case, the rage of bahamut is already in the top position about fifth week. That means people still like the game to play in their android phone.

Rage of Bahamut Charts

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Charts

The Rage of Bahamut Charts until now still in first position as the best free android game in USA. This means the trading card android already in the fifth consecutive week.

Rage of Bahamut Charts
Rage of Bahamut Charts

The information about Rage of Bahamut Charts it is get from the Google sales information, with the category Games that has higher game download and played most of USA user.

In another case, the Zynga Poker that one of the free android games is follows on the second position. May be someday zynga will be kick the Rage of Bahamut from the first position. This mean Mobage and Zynga will be rival for the free android device.

iPhone Trading Card Game

Tags: Rage of Bahamut iPhone

Rage of bahamut as the top one card battle for the android device, now can use in the iphone device. The rage of bahamut iPhone is compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4s.

Rage of Bahamut iPhone
Rage of Bahamut iPhone

The Rage of bahamut iPhone has 2 versions of language used; English and Japanese. With the size of the game are about 6,6 MB. This is the latest move for the Mobage Inc develops with rage of Bahamut game online for the various devices.

If you have an iPhone device, you should play rage of bahamut iPhone as the top one game in the USA or may be become the best android and iPhone device game in the world. Downlad Rage of Bahamut iPhone

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Terminal Registration

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Terminal Registration

The rage of bahamut terminal registration is a place that you put the referral code after doing the tutorials. There are a lot of rewards that you get from the code, like rare card, rupies or other items.

Rage of Bahamut Terminal Registration
Rage of Bahamut Terminal Registration

There is some attention about the rage of bahamut terminal registration. You cannot use the same device or shared tablet to create a dummy account and use the referral code in it. And if you do it, you will be get the error messenger, will says " you already registration"

In another case, the system rage of bahamut terminal registration code it is very helping for a new player that need more card or money rewards. But you should to know, every referral code has different rewards. So pick the best referral code to use in your game.

iPod Trading Card Game

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Ipod

Now rage of bahamut iPod has been release at May 15, 2012 by Mobage Inc. The game can be running with the iPod touch 3rd and 4th generation.

Rage of Bahamut Ipod
Rage of Bahamut Ipod

The first release Rage of Bahamut iPod is with 1.2 version and size around 6,6 MB, it is small size than the android version up to 13 MB. The game also supporting English and Japanese languages, so if you are from outside Japan you can use the English language.

Anyways if you have an iPod device, you should try playing the rage of bahamut ipod game. You will be finding a lot of features, event, quest and trade for cards. In another case, the rage of bahamut game is the best cards battle game for these years in android and ipod device. Download rage of bahamut ipod

Rage of Bahamut Gold Dragon

Tags Rage of Bahamut Gold Dragon

Rage of Bahamut Gold Dragon is one of the rare cards that you can only obtain the card through the Multiple Event from the ranking list. If you a collector card, you should not miss the event to get the gold Dragon card.

Rage of Bahamut Gold Dragon
Rage of Bahamut Gold Dragon

Detail from rage of bahamut gold dragon is from demon faction with base attack around 1000 and base defense 1000. For the skill or special Ability, the gold dragon card not has any and only has 300 of Power Cost. In another case the Gold Dragon sells for 30.000 rupies.

Actually the rage of bahamut gold dragon not worth for battle, but its wroth for the collector cards from the game. So don’t miss the event and get the rare Gold Dragon card into your inventory.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Max Card Level

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Max Card Level

I got some question about what is Rage of Bahamut Max Card Level. If you are playing the game, you will be not notice about the level, cause just focus on leveling and have fun at battle and revolve the card.

Rage of Bahamut Max Card Level
Rage of Bahamut Max Card Level

As we know Rage of bahamut user level is up to 100 with the total exp about 154203. Every 5 level only different 100 exp for the last level. For example if you level 95 to get 96 you need 4240, and to level 97 need 4330 exp, so its like deferent +100 exp.

For the rage of bahamut max card level, it is different with the card level caps, like Normal (20), High Normal (30), Rare (40), High Rare (50), S Rare (60), SS Rare (70) and Legendary (80). So the max level cap of the rage of bahamut cards is level 80 with the legendary card.

Rage of Bahamut Tips for New Player

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Tips for New Player

I will share some rage of bahamut tips for new player who want to playing in a better ways to save some money and fast leveling. Because some new player always make a mistake at first time trying to play.

Rage of Bahamut Tips for New Player
Rage of Bahamut Tips for New Player

Here are the Rage of Bahamut tips for new player:
- For fast leveling until level 40 you can focus on stamina attributes, i am trying it and get fast leveling. In another case you can get a few of the legend card in the battle for free.

- Minimum uses the cure water or may be you can save it until you get the higher level. If you in high level you will be had a great stamina, so the cure water is more perfect use in it.

- If you want to get higher level cards, you should to save the holy powder. If you in higher level like 40 and there is events you will be get the better rewards by using the holy powder.

- Enhancing will allow you to waste your cards and rupies. The better ways to enhancing cards is enhance the cards if they are in fully evolved, that will be save you cards and rupies.

That’s some Rage of Bahamut Tips for New Player, who wants to play in the right ways.

Monday 21 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut on Pc with Android SDK

Tags: Rage of Bahamut on Pc with Android SDK

I’m trying to play Rage of Bahamut on PC with Android SDK emulator. Android SDK emulator is one of the best emulator to open an application demo of the android software.

Rage of Bahamut on Pc with Android SDK
Rage of Bahamut on Pc with Android SDK

About my review play the game on pc with android sdk. Rage of bahamut can run in that emulator, but in slow running. It’s about 3-10 minutes to open the next chapter of the game.

Sometimes in middle game, its going to crash and restart from the beginning. Maybe it’s about the connection or some system in emulator that can’t load fast.

If you want to play rage of bahamut on pc with android sdk for a long time, im not recommend using this emulator. You will be tired for waiting the loading of the game.

Sunday 20 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Enhance

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Enhance

Rage of Bahamut Enhance is a way to increase the strength of the attack and defense on a card. Although only by EVOLVE on the card, also can improve their status to.

Rage of Bahamut Enhance
Rage of Bahamut Enhance

The Different from the Rage of Bahamut enhance the evolve is not changes the looking on the card. But you will see the changes only on the status, based on the items that are used to enhance.

Broadly speaking the rage of Bahamut enhance requires a lot of money and very expensive. It is better to enhance the cards are rare or above. On the other hand to enhance the max level then EVOLVE card, then you will get a bonus of 10% atk and def status.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Evolve

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Evolve

Rage of Bahamut evolve is a game system that can improve more status on every card that has changed. The Evolve will happen if the card has the necessary has enough experience point.

Rage of Bahamut Evolve
Rage of Bahamut Evolve

In the Rage of Bahamut evolve, the Point exp earned at every bout, of course, resisted every card has a value different experience. The higher level opponent the card and if the card is defeated, you will get the best exp.

But not all of the cards contained in the rage of Bahamut can be EVOLVE. As an example Phoenix card that can not be in Evolve, because the card is rare type of gods.

You do not need to worry, there are several other advantages of the cards can not be in EVOLVE. They have the skill and the effect that can’t find in the other cards.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Card List

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Card List

Rage of Bahamut card list is information on all cards that are in the game Rage of Bahamut. There are at least 645 cards consists of 218 man cards, 207 gods cards, and 220 demons cards.

Rage of Bahamut Card List
Rage of Bahamut Card List

218 man rage of bahamut card list:
Young Dancer
Young Dancer+
Young Dancer++
[Perfect Steps] Young Dancer
[Silver Guard] Knight
Young Shaman
Young Shaman+
Young Shaman++
[Spirit Garb] Young Shaman
[Veteran] Fighter
Rookie Lancer
Rookie Lancer+
Rookie Lancer++
[Fleetfoot] Rookie Lancer
[Black Tome] Witchette
[Nimble Fingers] Thief
[Blade Flash] Ronin
[Choppy Seas] Pirate
[Heavenly Stage Dancer
Ninja Trainee
Ninja Trainee+
Ninja Trainee++
[Nightstalker] Ninja Trainee
Pegasus Knight
[Master] Warrior
White Knight
White Knight+
White Knight++
[Holy Guard] White Knight
Kunoichi Trainee
Kunoichi Trainee+
Kunoichi Trainee++
[Thunderstrke] Lancer
[Dark Tome] Witch
[Thunderstrike] Samurai
Lady Gunner
Lady Gunner+
Lady Gunner++
[Mystic Shooter] Lady Gunner
[Darkstalker] Ninja
Rabbitteer Knight
Rabbitteer Knight+
Rabbitteer Knight++
[Lepo Paladin] Rabbitteer Knight
High Shaman
High Shaman+
High Shaman++
High Lancer
High Lancer+
High Lancer++
[Lightflash] High Lancer

207 GODs rage of bahamut card list:
[Arbour Centurion] Dryad
[Shining Light] Angel
Fire Elemental
Fire Elemental+
Fire Elemental++
[Pyre] Fire Elemental
Elf Child
Elf Child+
Elf Child++
[Forestguard] Elf Child
[Airflutter] Pixie
Angelic Knight
Earth Elemental
Earth Elemental+
Earth Elemental++
[Stonecrusher] Earth Elemental
[Spirit Beast] Unicorn
Wind Elemental
Wind Elemental+
Wind Elemental++
[Windwalker] Wind Elemental
[Master Muscle] Ogre
[Light Sprite] Fairy
[Arbor Milennius] Meliae
Water Elemental
Water Elemental+
Water Elemental++
[Lightsplash] Water Elemental
[Shuddering Scales Jiao
Thunder Elemental
Thunder Elemental+
Thunder Elemental++
[Dark Cloud] Thunder Elemental
[Forestguard] Elf
[Flame Servant] Salamanader
[Wing Bolt] Thunderbird
[Holy Light] ArchAngel
[Holy Beast] Pegasus
[Shuddermight] Atlas
[Lightscale] Wyrm
Angel Bunny
Angel Bunny+
Angel Bunny++
[Lepo-Archangel] Angel Bunny
High Pixie
Gold Fox
Gold Fox+
Angel Queen

220 Demons rage of bahamut card list:
[Imp] Goblin
Cu Sith
Cu Sith+
Cu Sith++
[Mad Dog]Cu Sith
[Evilbone] Skeleton
Kid Vampire
Kid Vampire+
Kid Vampire++
[Bloodstealer] Kid Vampire
[Temptation] Lamia
[Seduction] Lilith
[Deathshade] Ghost
[Reptilian Demon] Lizardman
Baby Dragon
Baby Dragon+
Baby Dragon++
[Hatchling] Baby Dragon
Hell Hound
Hell Hound+
Hell Hound++
[Demon Dog] Hell Hound
[Fascination] Empusa
Dark Elf
Dark Elf+
Dark Elf++
[Night Forest] Dark Elf
Lesser Daemon
Lesser Daemon+
Lesser Daemon++
[Evil Servant] Lesser Daemon
[Chaos] Naga
[Lifesucker] Vampire
Clay Golem
Clay Golem+
Clay Golem++
[Round Clump] Clay Golem
Skeleton Fighter
Skeleton Fighter+
Skeleton Fighter++
[Cursebone] Skeleton Fighter
Bunny Lilith Limil
Bunny Lilith Limil+
Bunny Lilith Limil++
[Lepo-Mage] Bunny Lilith Limil
Elder Dragon
Lilith Liz
Devil Queen
Golden Dragon

Friday 11 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Help

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Help

Sometimes I see player ask rage of bahamut help how to getting an awesome cards like the legend card Zeus or bahamut card. Cause they are still getting a normal card like robin and stuff.

Rage of Bahamut Help
Rage of Bahamut Help

To get rage of bahamut help you need to trading order member with the card that they might like it. Exchange for the rare cards with some 3 uncommon card and an evolved rare it will be work.

In another ways you can participate in event on the rage of bahamut game. You will be see the good reward like Holy wars, rare Gawain and another’s rare items and card that you can imagine.

That is some tips to help you get a better stuff in a game.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Blue Key

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Blue Key

With regard to rage of bahamut blue key treasures from what I learn on different boards and my expertise they are rarer drops than the treasures (meaning they don’t seem on the hunt as a possible drop) and they also are tougher to get as a result of u cant grind particularly for them.

Rage of Bahamut Blue Key
Rage of Bahamut Blue Key

I am presently on the pill finishing all of the treasures earlier than.  What I discovered most useful with this was discovering all of the opposite treapositives first saving the yellow and blue for the top (not positive why yellow however for some motive yellow key was actually exhausting to get and keep).

Then get yellow after which camp out examine the sport each 5-10 minutes and assault anybody with a rage of bahamut blue key after that it’s simply actually all luck whether or not you’ll discover somebody you are able to beat that unluckily came across a blue key earlier than completion. 

Anybody else has any issues with getting Blue treasures.  Beginning from the important thing series, I understand that getting Blue Keys/Medals/Tablets have been virtually not possible. 

It retains telling me that nobody has that treasure, and when somebody does have it, it will get taken by one other participant earlier than I can assault.  I actually have the newest up to date model of RoB and I’ve additionally cleared the info just a few instances now.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Wiki

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Wiki

The Rage of Bahamut Wiki is the best place how to get information about the rage of bahamut games. Every player always goes to wiki to find some guide or information about the quest.

Rage of Bahamut Wiki
Rage of Bahamut Wiki

In the Rage of bahamut wiki you also can find the new update about the game, such us the version of the game, the new items and other improvement tools.

So if you a newbie and don’t know how to playing rage of bahamut game, you should visit the rage of bahamut wiki to improve your experience how to playing the rage of bahamut game.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Guide

Tags: Rage of Bahamut, Rage of Bahamut Guide

The Rage of bahamut guide is one of the solution of the new comers how to playing the game with the best steps. The guide is also helping the players to improve the experience and know some useful things.

Rage of Bahamut Guide
Rage of Bahamut Guide

Below is some Rage of bahamut guide:

If you start the game you might be taken to the house display screen.  Right here you may view any present particular occasions and quests, info from admins, battle rankings from the earlier day, and the rookie of the day.

You will probably be finishing quests and battling different gamers utilizing playing cards that you just should buy and discover as you play the game.  There are totally differing kinds of playing cards to seek out and so they arrive with varied stats which may profit you in battle.

Evolving playing cards permits you to mix playing cards which have the identical identify and make the cardboard stronger.  The look of the cardboard will change and it will turn out to be stronger.  Please be aware that evolving a card will reset their degree and ability degree to 1.