
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

You must know if you want to play rage of bahamut, first you need to register to create an account and then starting to play the game. In second time and more, you will be automatically login into your account.

Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account
Rage of Bahamut Mobage Account

In another case, if you want to create new account in rage of bahamut game with the same device. You need to logout the account and then register with a new one.

To logout your rage of bahamut account tries this steps;
- On rage of bahamut game, click the icon mobage in top left from your device window.
- You will be directly into your account. Next click on your name account to go to your profile.
- In your profile, click log out in bottom right from your windows. Now, you are already logout from mobage account.

After you logout, you can create a new account, or maybe multiple account for rage of bahamut game.


  1. are players allowed to have several accounts or would that get someones accounts disabled

    1. it seems alot of people talk about feeder accounts including #1 player so im pretty sure you can so far i have not done so and im still doing ok

      If u use my code: tba97145 u will get either 50,000 or 100,000 rupees depending on the offer thats running at the time and 1 rare card, i will get 1000 friendship points and when u get to lvl 10 a rare card.
      This is true and any other offer amounts are total utter lies.
      p.s. if u use my code find me in game anunaki848 and i will help u out and add u as a fellow.

  2. How can Mobage give opening a 2nd account on the same device as an advice??? They know it won't work, because you can only register 1device on 1account! Mobage:dont't mess with your customers!

  3. it doesnt work it say device already registerd

    1. Actually you can delete your account but cant register a new one in same device.

      For solve that problem, you can use your family or friends device and register in it.

      After that you can login in your phone,, there is some risk to get banned. just read violation of the ToS before do it

  4. Yeah Mobage you should really give players the option of registering two or more accounts on the same phone. You should just stop being stingy and allow it. Like seriously I use both my accounts equally. I am not going to exploit it and create multiple accounts just so I can get legend claim tickets and send them to one of my accounts. Who honestly has the time to level up several accounts to level 40 just to get some measly legend claim tickets. You really should consider that. Oh and to the other person that replied to this there is nothing in Mobages violation of the terms of service that says players can't register two or more accounts to different devices and use them. They can't do anything about it.

  5. but if they would allow that people could use it to get items through this aej83816 my referral code.there is already a big problem with spamming because of this.

  6. you can try to get a phone from some phone company and use it for register your game, and after that, you just give them back the phone, let them know, you dont want it anymore!
    you got the idea, now please us my referal code swq95846

  7. Complete your tutorial and enter aua59884 in 'Referral Code' to get free 2 x legend packs, gold and a RARE card!

    rage of bahamut aua59884

  8. Hey guys it would help me alot if you used wrq63521

  9. ejc86778

    is a cracked code u get 2 legendary cards full leveld
    1mio rupies
    a full card pack with 40 cards of all 3 realms!

  10. No all the codes are the same, don't use his just because he is a liar. No matter whose code you use, you get one rare card and 100k rupies.

  11. Yea they are all the same and the code you should use is wrq63521

  12. use referral code: xde99514

  13. This did work for a time and i can prove it with my 100+ accounts but sadly the fixed it. now when u delete blue stacks and reinstall it then get through the start and get to the part to register an account it says "failed to register. Please use an android smart phone"

    1. I can still register devices using a program I wrote. Check out

  14. guys use my referral code wne27850, youll get that angelic knight

  15. wow yet another rage of Bahamut post turns into a place to spam with referrals codes

  16. cansado de tener amigos que hablan en ingles y no les entiendes nada.. usa este codigo al final del tutorial en referal code : obw30866 ...
    yo t ayudare lo mas que pueda.. y tmb recibiras una carta rara y 10000 de oro

  17. yep two of the many (more or less) things i hate about this game and mobage in generally

  18. Use my referral code: ....umm... Never mind I forgot what it is.

  19. Use the referral code rie79172 to a rare card and free rupies.

  20. bluestacks doesnt work anymore, want activations? I charge $2.50 and have discounts for multiple accounts

    want a new account activated? beat the prices, go to

    You can also find me on ebids if you dont trust random sites

  21. I make free registered accounts all I want is to put my referral code in. You choose the username and password and I'll create the account and register it. Hell I'll even give you the 50000 rupies I get for the referral. Email me at
