
Friday 29 June 2012

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune

Tags: Date Masamune +, Date Masamune ++, [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune

The rage of bahamut Date Masamune is from man faction and use haja soryuto as skill ability with effect massive hit to foe’s demons def. This card can be evolve into a legend card [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune with steps; Date Masamune -> Date Masamune + -> Date Masamune ++ -> [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune.

Schema Date Masamune Evolution

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune Evolution

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune

The Date Masamune has 4310-10760 attack and 3510-8780 defense point with 30 costs of power consumption. This card is a SS rare card sells for -R and can be evolve into Date Masamune +.

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune +

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune +

The Date Masamune + has 5172 attack and 4212 defense point with 30 cost of power Consumption. This card is a SS rare card sells for -R and can be evolving into Date Masamune ++.

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune ++

Rage of Bahamut Date Masamune ++

The Date Masamune ++ has 6034 attack and 4914 defense point with 30 cost of power Consumption. This card is a SS rare card sells for -R and can be evolve into [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune.

Rage of Bahamut [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune

Rage of Bahamut [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune

The [One-Eyed Dragon] Date Masamune is full evolving from Date Masamune card. This car has 7758 attack and 6318 defense point with 30 costs of power consumption. The One-Eyed Dragon is a legend card and sells for -R

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