
Monday 4 June 2012

Rage of Bahamut Excellent Enhancement

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Excellent Enhancement

There is two type of the enhancement; normal enhancement and excellent enhancement. As the name normal enhancement you will be get the standard enhance card without any add-on in it. But the excellent enhancement can boost your card experience.

Rage of Bahamut Excellent Enhancement
Rage of Bahamut Excellent Enhancement

The excellent enhancement can boost around 150 -250% from the normal values of the card. Some people say the rage of bahamut excellent enhancement is a random mode. So if you have a big lucky you can get it.

The issue to get excellent enhancement chances, you need to use the 10 card that using to enhance at once. It is just issue, but you can try it for your experience at enhance the cards.


  1. I received an excellent enhancement for using three normal cards, 1 from each realm.

  2. Same as above. I had Excellent from using 2 cards sometimes from using 3, 4 and so on, the number of cards doesnt metter, same goes to realm of cards used (had in various combinations all from same, from drifferent etc). Going to check now if u need to have at least 1 HN card or at least it gives u more chance to get excellent with higher rarity of cards.

  3. Please use grammar check and proofread what you are typing. It is very hard to follow whatever it is you are trying to say with all your errors.

  4. ^ lol not English class bud

  5. ^ Everything is English class.

  6. Not everyone's primary language is English.
