
Monday 4 June 2012

Rage of Bahamut Keepers of The Easter Egg

Tags: Rage of Bahamut Keepers of The Easter Egg

The Keepers of The Easter Egg is one of the event that player will be receive the special quest that you can use it to unlock the special limited edition cards.

Rage of Bahamut Keepers of The Easter Egg
Rage of Bahamut Keepers of The Easter Egg

The treasure quest is different for every realm in the game, like; Man (blue and red treasure), God (Yellow and green treasure), and Demon (Purple and Emerald treasure).

In the rage of bahamut  Easter you will be have total 100 quests. Because of that you will be need a great stamina for doing the quest event. In another case you can use items to refill fast your stamina.

The keepers of the Easter egg rewards are obtaining from the ranking list;
- Rank 1 - 3: 2x card Cerberus (SSRare Demon), 2x cardstock (SRare Demon), 1x S Rare & up Card Pack Claim Ticket
- Rank #4 - #10: 2x High Rare & up Card Pack, 1x card Cerberus (SSRare Demon), 1x cardSutekh (SRare Demon)
- Rank #51 - #100: 1x cardSutekh (SRare Demon), 1x High Rare & up Card Pack
- Rank #201 - #300: 3x Legendary Card Pack, 1x cardLilith Liz (SRare Demon)
- Rank #301 - #499: 1x cardLilith Liz (SRare Demon), 1x card Angel Queen
- Rank #501 - #999: 1x card Devil Queen, 1x Legendary Card Pack Claim Ticket
- Rank #1001 - #1999: 1x card Angel Queen, 1x card Gold Dragon, 5x Cure Water
- Rank #2001 - #4999: 1x card Angel Queen, 1x card Gold Dragon, 2x Cure Water
- Rank #5001 - #9999: 1x card Angel Queen, 2x Cure Water
- Rank #10001 - #30000: 2x Cure Water
- Rank #30001 - #50000: 2000 Friendship Points

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